Where Hope Puts Feet to Faith!

Veteran Woman Owned 501(c)(3) Faith-Based Community Organization


Our 5-E Mission...


Embrace & Edify marginalized communities; correlating and collaborating with faith/community based, private, and governmental agencies; Encourage, Educate, & Empower at-risk youth, adults, and families in Washington, D.C. Metropolitan areas and beyond; through the implementation of spiritual/science-based intervention, prevention, educational and recovery support services.  

The Big Vision

We ENVISION developing and implementing a national long-term residential spiritual wellness intervention and prevention center. Coordinating and collaborating with faith/community based and other organizations to actively train and participate in community efforts to: Rebuild, Restore, and Recover the lives of those in need.  

As a faith-based community organization that has embraced deliverance and freedom, the Divine Exchange continues to move under the direction and through the Power of God. Being fixed in our Faith, focused on pursuing our Divine Destiny, and standing firm on our Divine Promises, it is our purpose to operate in HOPE, knowing that it puts Feet to Faith! 

  • There Is A War Going On!  It’s A Fight To Get Back In Our Rightful Positions With God the Creator!
  • Know That God Desires To Do A Divine Exchange In Every Area Of Your Life!


Divine Exchange Ministry, Inc. (DEMI) was birthed in Brooklyn, New York in 1996. It’s a vibrant and vigilant comprehensive, 501(c) 3 faith-based, community organization with a lasting history of impactful outreach services to youth, adults, and families within the Washington, DC area and is currently establishing services in the Metro Atlanta, Georgia area. The organization is designed to concentrate on life-controlling challenges within marginalized communities; governed by a hierarchical organizational chart that has a Board of Directors, an Advisory Council, and a Youth Council. The very mindset of the organization is people centered, which means the decisions are based upon the needs of the people. The staffing is comprised of volunteers both males and females, who are Compassionate, Committed, Caring, Concerned, and Consistent in serving the abused, disadvantaged, and under-served at-risk population. Both Gary and Canzada Twyman, are native Washingtonians, and together the husband-and-wife team serve as lifetime partners, Solid as a Rock.

Your Wellness Matters!


We are NOT here to impress GOD, or others.  We are NOT here to be dazzled, by talent or techniques or tricks or personalities.  We are NOT here to measure ourselves. To make comparisons to make excuses to succumb to facility envy or GADGET LUST.  We are NOT here to create, recreate, rewrite, or reinvent the TRUTH.  We are here to ECHO it.  We are here to SURRENDER our gifts to and our creativity to the CREATOR.  We are here to share are HEARTS our VISION, our LIVES and OUR creative callings.  We are here to GROW in KNOWLEDGE, GROW in WISDOM, GROW in PERSPECTIVE, and GROW in LOVE.  WE ARE HERE TO echo with our LIVES, with our PASSION, with our DREAMS, and with the WORK OF OUR HANDS, because WE ARE THE WORK OF HIS HANDS.   WE ARE HERE TO ECHO! 

To echo the way, echo the truth, echo the life! To serve in the spirit of excellence with integrity and compassion for our community, our nation and our world.


Become a Purpose of Change!

Our HOPE is for you to experience the Unconditional Love of The Power Greater Than Self…The Power of All Grace, Goodness, and Greatness!


We have established a reputation for reaching the lost and broken hearted and to serve them with the utmost level of dignity and respect. 

We are the voice and the hand that encourages people to change their lives through Hope, Peace and most importantly, Love.


To echo the way, echo the truth, echo the life! To serve in the spirit of excellence with integrity and compassion for our community, our nation and our world.


To help connect people far from Hope to Faith!

To Embrace, Edify, Encourage, Educate & Empower!


Your Purpose Matters!


Coming Soon!

Get Involved!

Divine Exchange Ministry, Inc. is an integrative 501(c)(3) faith-based organization created to concentrate on life changing solutions for life controlling challenges.  We ENVISION developing a national and international long-term residential spiritual wellness prevention and treatment center to Rebuild, Restore, and Reconcile the lives of people for Jesus Christ.  And we will do just that by the grace of God and with the generous financial support of people like you.

Ways to help!

Just For Today!

God, when we approach You in prayer, we come to what we don’t comprehend. Forgive us for taking for granted the majesty of Your presence.

The Supernatural Power of God is the Power of His Holy Spirit manifested within, among and upon the natural.

Life in the Word

Brothers and sisters, in view of all we have just shared about God’s compassion, I encourage you to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, dedicated to God and pleasing to him. This kind of worship is appropriate for you.

Romans 12:1 (GOD’S WORD Translation)

Everyday we encounter pressures to conform, to approach life-change as an outside-in acquisition of principles and social norms, rather than an inside-out process of becoming our true selves. The bible contrasts a life of conforming to a life that’s transforming. It speaks of regeneration, renewal of our minds, and being reborn. But the fact is, it’s far easier to cave in to expectations.

It takes courage to live out of your true heart and follow the dreams you were meant to fulfill. 

If you’re looking for authentic change, who will treasure the real you and support you in your journey, we’d like to that support. A new day is dawning, and we can begin this relationship to resurrect the life that we were meant to live. . . live not meant to conform to the world, but transform it!

Let's look to a Loving God in Faith, for Fortitude and Freedom… By putting into practice spiritual principles for daily living.